Quick Start Step 4: Incorporate Lab Results

If you're ready to take your SelfDecode experience to the next level, we recommend uploading your lab results to SelfDecode Labs.

SelfDecode Labs allows you to upload lab test results and then we analyze them to tell you what they mean:

Lab Shop available in the United States only. Lab testing is not available to those under the age of 18, and to those in the states of AZ, NY, NJ, and RI.

Why should I upload my labs?

We created SelfDecode Labs because having your markers in the normal range doesn't mean they are optimal. The optimal range is the range that research has shown to be correlated with the lowest risk of death and illness. We bring together all the available information about lab tests from medical literature.

Not only do we explain what the labs are, but we also explain to you the reasons why they’re ordered and what your results mean to you. In addition, you will also have a list of both natural and medical options to improve your health based on your lab results, which you can implement in consultation with your doctor.

If you're not sure what labs to start with, we recommend checking out this article on the Suggested Labs feature.

You can also find step-by-step instructions for all your SelfDecode Labs needs in our SelfDecode Labs FAQ.

Next, head on over to Quick Start Step 5: Incorporate Lifestyle Factors

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