Generating a PDF of lab results

Did you know you can generate a PDF of your lab results? Here's how to do it!

  1. Visit your lab results page by selecting Blood Tests > Blood Test Summary from navigation menu

  1. Choose which information you want to appear on the report, and select Generate PDF:

Generating a PDF of Lab Results by Date

1. Visit your lab results page by selecting Blood Tests > Search Blood Test Results from the navigation menu

2. Select Date or Time Range and choose the date you want to view results for:

  1. You will see all the result entries from that date; select the results you want to generate a PDF for. If you want to generate a PDF of all entries from that date, select the checkbox beside Lab Test which will highlight all the results you are viewing:

  1. Select Generate PDF for selected

Generating a PDF of Lab Results by Category

1. Visit your lab results page by selecting Blood Tests > Search Blood Test Results from the navigation menu

2. Select Search Category and choose the categories you want to view results for:

  1. You will see all the result entries that fall into the selected categories; select the results you want to generate a PDF for. If you want to generate a PDF of all entries, select the checkbox beside Lab Test which will highlight all the results you are viewing:

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