How to download a PDF of your DNA report

We’re excited to announce that you can now access all of your downloadable reports on a single page! Simply go to DNA Reports > Download PDFs to find everything you need in one convenient location.

To generate and download PDFs of your personalized DNA reports:

1. Visit the Health Risks page. You can navigate to this page by selecting My DNA > My Health Risks from the navigation menu.

2. Scroll down or search the report you want to generate a report for and select the downward-facing arrow on the report tile:

3. Customize which sections to want to appear on the report.

You can select the 'full' or 'simple' view for your recommendations, depending on how much detail you want to be in the report. 

  • Full View shows the complete details about the recommendation
  • Simple View shows just the header

You can also choose to only show lab results that are outside the optimal range

Note: Clicking 'Save my preference' will save your selections for next time. 

4. Customize which recommendations you want to appear on the PDF. If you want to see them all in the final report, you do not need to make any changes:

Time-saving Tip: If you don't want to see a particular recommendation anymore on any reports, you can deselect the recommendation and then select "Uncheck by default". This recommendation will automatically be deselected when you generate future pdfs:

5. Feel free to add notes.

6. Select 'Generate PDF' and allow a few moments for us to generate your report.

7. Click 'Download' to save the report directly to your computer, or 'Copy Link' to share it with someone digitally.

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