DecodyGPT usage & limits

Welcome to our new DecodyGPT feature! This guide will help you understand the usage limits based on your subscription plan.

Understanding Your Usage Limit

When you use the DecodyGPT feature, you'll notice a battery charge indicator. This visual representation shows how much usage you have left. As you use the feature, the battery charge will decrease.

DecodyGPT battery charge indicator

Monthly Free Usage Renewal

For most non-legacy subscriptions, we offer a monthly free usage limit. This limit resets every month, ensuring you have a fresh allowance to use the DecodyGPT feature. Once you exhaust your free usage limit, the interface will display the date when your usage will be recharged.

Purchasing Additional Usage

If you run out of your free usage before the renewal period, you have the option to recharge your usage. Depending on your subscription plan, you can purchase additional usage credits directly through the interface. All available recharge options will be visible as soon as your initial credits are depleted.

Legacy Subscriptions

Some legacy subscriptions do not include a monthly free usage limit. If you have a legacy subscription, you can either pay for using the GPT feature or switch to a newer subscription plan that includes monthly free usage. The options that are available for your subscription are shown in the DecodyGPT feature interface.

Checking Your Usage

You can easily check your remaining usage at any time by accessing the DecodyGPT feature directly through this link. The battery charge indicator will provide a real-time update on your usage status.

We hope this guide helps you make the most of our new DecodyGPT feature. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Enjoy your experience with our GPT feature!

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