What is an Alternative Allele?

In genetics, an alternative allele represents a variation of a specific gene that you inherit from your parents. Think of it as a genetic choice that can influence your health and susceptibility to certain conditions.

You inherit two copies of each gene, one from each parent, and these genes can come in various forms or alleles. Some alleles may be associated with increased risks of certain health conditions, while others might provide protection.

For example: consider a gene associated with heart disease. There could be several alternative alleles for this gene, including one that increases the risk of heart disease and another that reduces it.

Your overall health risk is determined by the combination of alleles you inherit for various genes related to different health conditions. If you have alternative alleles associated with higher risks for multiple health conditions, your overall health risk might be elevated. On the other hand, if you inherit more protective alleles, your risk for those particular health topics could be lower.

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